We had a very successful hand cream class in July last year. Nine people made their own pot of nourishing, healing, delicious smelling hand cream. Everyone had the option to scent their cream with a natural essential oil blend. ‘Licorose’ along with ‘Smoke’ were popular options.

We preserved our cream with a plant derived commercial preservative derived from tree bark. While we don’t want to have a lot of unnecessary substances on our skin, a preservative such as this is essential when choosing an aqueous (water containing) cream to help our skin. This is because it would be counter productive if the cream you put on your face caused irritation to our skin, or even infection.
We added ‘alantoin’ which is a plant derived compound linked to rapid healing, as it encourages fast cell turn over. Alantoin is found naturally in Comfrey, which could be one of the reasons this hardy, leafy, tap rooted plant has been used in poultices to promote healing of topical wounds and infections in times gone by, and sometimes still today. I’ve added a couple of photos of comfrey in the gallery – one in flower, one not.

To see what the next upcoming class is, follow this link.